Contacts Interactions: 6826
Drug search by name

Butisol and alcohol

Result of checker of drug Butisol interaction with alcohol. Whether they can be taken together or this combination is not allowed.

Check result:
Butisol <> Alcohol
Relevance: 01.01.2021

When checking interaction based on authoritative sources,,, there are contraindications or side effects that may cause harm or increase the negative effect from drug interaction with alcohol.


Ask your doctor before using butabarbital together with ethanol, this can add to dizziness, drowsiness and other side effects of butabarbital. Be careful if you drive or do activities that require you to be awake and alert. Talk with your doctor before using any medications together, or drinking alcohol with butabarbital. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.


GENERALLY AVOID: Concurrent acute use of barbiturates and ethanol may result in additive CNS effects, including impaired coordination, sedation, and death. Tolerance of these agents may occur with chronic use. The mechanism is related to inhibition of microsomal enzymes acutely and induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes chronically.

MANAGEMENT: The combination of ethanol and barbiturates should be avoided.

  • Gupta RC, Kofoed J "Toxological statistics for barbiturates, other sedatives, and tranquilizers in Ontario: a 10-year survey." Can Med Assoc J 94 (1966): 863-5
  • Saario I, Linnoila M "Effect of subacute treatment with hypnotics, alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving." Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh) 38 (1976): 382-92
  • Stead AH, Moffat AC "Quantification of the interaction between barbiturates and alcohol and interpretation of fatal blood concentrations." Hum Toxicol 2 (1983): 5-14
  • Misra PS, Lefevre A, Ishii H, Rubin E, Lieber CS "Increase of ethanol, meprobamate and pentobarbital metabolism after chronic ethanol administration in man and in rats." Am J Med 51 (1971): 346-51
  • Seixas FA "Drug/alcohol interactions: avert potential dangers." Geriatrics 34 (1979): 89-102

Generic Name: butabarbital

Brand Name: Butisol Sodium, Busodium

Synonyms: Butabarbital

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Drug interactions